Op. Dr. Muaz ZUHURLU

Mersin üniversitesi tıp fakültesi 2017

Necmettin Erbakan üniversitesi, meram tıp fakültesi, plastik, rekonstrüktif ve estetik cerrahi anabilim dalı 2023



Çalışma alanları

  •  Rinoplasti (burun estetiği)
  • Yüz estetiği ( yüz ve boyun germe, blefaroplasti, badem göz)
  • Meme estetiği ( büyütme, küçültme ve dikleştirme)
  • Liposuction
  • Kilo verdikten sonraki cerrahi ( kol, uyluk ve karın germe)
  • Yara cerrahisi (yanık, bası ve travma)
  • Maksillofasyal cerrahi (yüz kırıkları)
  • El cerrahisi
  • El ve dirsek sinir sıkışmaları
  • Cildin iyi ve kötü huylu tümörleri
  • Diyabetik ayak

Bilimsel çalışmaları


1.    Dadaci M, Ismayilzade M, Zuhour M, Uyanık O, Ince B, Altuntaş Z. Management of mole gun injuries: Review of 19 cases with proposed treatment algorithm.Hand Surg Rehabil. 2021;S2468-1229(21)00059-1. doi:10.1016/j.hansur.2021.01.004

2.    Altuntaş Z, Uyanık O, Zuhour M, Kılınç F. Pyoderma Gangrenosum Developed At The Split-ThicknessSkin Graft Donor Site in a Patient with Diabetes Mellitus: Case Report. Mev Med Sci. 2021;1(1): 25-28

3.    Ince B, Zuhour M, Yusifov M, Erol A, Dadaci M. The Impact of Surgical Procedures During Septorhinoplasty on the Intraoperative Pain Response.Aesthet Surg J. 2021;41(11):NP1421-NP1426.

4.    İnce B, Zuhour M, Ismayilzade M. Comparison of Normal Sponge-Vacuum Assisted Closure, Silver Sponge-Vacuum Assisted Closure and Conventional Wound Closure Methods in Infected Cavity Wounds. Mev Med Sci. 2021;1(3): 79-84

5.    Zuhour M, Dadacı M, Baycar Z, İnce B, Soylu A. Fournier's gangrene as a possible surgical complication of COVID-19: Two case reports and literature review. Turk J Plast Surg 2022; 30:17-20

6.    Zuhour M,Ismayilzade M, Dadaci M, Ince B. The Impact of Wearing a Face Mask during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Temporomandibular Joint: A Radiological and Questionnaire Assessment.Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2022.

7.    Ismayilzade, M.,Ince, B.,Zuhour, M.,Oltulu, P.,&Aygul, R. (2022).The effect of a gap concept on peripheral nerve recovery in modified epineurial neurorrhaphy: An experimental study in rats.Microsurgery, 111.https://doi.org/10.1002/micr.30890

8.    Zuhour M, Dadacı M, Koyuncu A, İnce B Total Palate Reconstruction with Unilateral Angular Artery-Based Nasolabial FlapInternational Journal of Transplantation& Plastic Surgery, 2022,6(2): 000170

9.    Moath Z, et al. Immediate Combined Hand Reconstruction in a Patient with Complex Tissue Defect and Total Finger Amputation.Int J Transplant&Plastic Surg 2023, 7(1): 000173.

10. Moath Z, et al. Reconstruction of the Nasal Columella of an Adult Patient with Nasolabial Subcutaneous Island Flap after Resection of a Dermoid Cyst.Int J Transplant& Plastic Surg 2023, 7(1): 000174.

11. Zuhour M, İsmayilzade M, Kaya Y, Tekecik M, Dadacı M. Infero-Auricular Folded Flap for The Reconstruction of a Full-Thickness Defect of The Earlobe. Sur Res J. 2023; 3(1):1-3.

12. Zuhour M., Baycar Z., Dadacı M., İnce B., (2023), Successful Multiple Finger Replantation; Procedure and Considerations, Journal of Clinical Surgery and Research, 4(3); DOI:10.31579/2768-2757/080


Aldığı patentler

1.     RİNOPLASTİ AMELİYATLARI İÇİN HAZNELİ GREFT TOPLAYICI, İnce Bilsev, Zuhour Moath.TR Patent 2019 19,804